Shareholder Reports


Reports Financial Statements
2024 Semi-Annual Report Semi-Annual Financial Statements
2023 Annual Report Annual Financial Statements


Holdings Other Regulatory Documents
1st Quarter 2024 Prospectus
3rd Quarter 2023 Statement of Additional Information
Annual Report of Proxy Voting


Participants may request paper copies of the Shareholder Reports by emailing the HIT’s Investor Relations team or by calling us at 202-331-8055.  There is no charge for paper copies.


As part of our effort to promote sustainable business practices, the HIT encourages Participants to consent to the e-delivery of certain fund documents.  For details on e-delivery, and to access the consent form, please review HIT’s Participant Consent to e-Delivery. We appreciate your continued support and participation in the HIT.  If you have any questions, or wish to alter or revoke a consent at any time, please contact the HIT’s Investor Relations team at 202-331-8055 or